

Foundations of Veterinary Business Certificate Program

Discounted Rate for VBMA Alumni Members

With a focus on providing more opportunities to our VBMA Alumni Members, we have arranged a special discount for a business certification. We are excited to inform you about the UC Davis Foundations of Veterinary Business certificate program!

This popular online program is designed for practice owners, prospective owners, practice leaders, and hospital administrators who want to take their understanding of business to the next level.  A select group of veterinary students with a strong interest in business will also attend. The curriculum includes a series of self-paced online modules taught by experts from the GSM covering general information about managerial accounting, finance, marketing, strategy, and more.  Participants also attend three live, interactive Saturday Zoom sessions taught by veterinary industry experts covering veterinary-specific applications of business practices. 

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.  As this program has sold out in the past, sign up soon if you are interested!  You can find more information by clicking the link below.  

For more information:  UC Davis Education

Want to take advantage of the discounted rate for VBMA Alumni? -> USE THIS LINK!!